Thrive Resources: Human Rights in Human Capital

It's been a highly emotional couple of weeks that I cannot let go unacknowledged, particularly given that one of Thrive Resources’ deepest values is rooted in Diversity and all that means.

Our country is at a crossroads, one that we have missed many times before. Voices are rising, rightfully so, and we all need to listen. We have an obligation to bear witness and to drive change. For me personally, this has meant getting more educated about the actions I can take, that our family can take, that our company can take, to stand by our black sisters and brothers as well as all People of Color. It has meant taking action by supporting black-owned businesses, donating to anti-white supremacy organizations, reading voraciously, and not least, confronting my own prejudice. It has meant calling out those close to me and those not close to me for being part of the systemic problem. As a rule, I would rather not take public stands while doing my part privately, but that time is past and my own discomfort is a small price compared to the lives lost and pain felt by others in our communities, in our churches, in our companies, in our lives.

At Thrive, we have a tremendous opportunity and responsibility to live up to our Core Value of Diversity - Embracing Difference. I love our culture, I love our team and I passionately believe in equality for all peoples, in all ways.  We are in a position to bring better diversity and inclusion to our clients, ourselves and to our corner of the world. It is our task to rise up with our colleagues, our families, our brothers and sisters in humanity and make our actions matter. Our team is working together to come up with specific ways we can take action and stand for change in our industry and in our communities.

We have formed a Diversity & Inclusion Committee and are pursuing two agendas, one legal/criminal justice related and the other business related to help the black community, as well as all other POC. Each of our team members is coming up with one or two specific ways that we can improve our process, improve our outreach, and improve our actions to be the change that is long overdue. 

We have committed as a team, and as a company, to bring more POC and diverse candidates into jobs we recruit, to open up opportunities for under-privileged communities, to show our clients how diversity makes for better leadership and better companies, to help develop training and internship programs that put people of all backgrounds on a career path within the Private Equity space. 

We look forward to ongoing dialogue with all of you - our clients, about steps we can take together to do better; and our candidates, about how we can better promote equality and represent you in the hiring process. 

We see you, we hear you and we stand by you. 

All my best, 

Susanna Madden

CEO, Thrive Resources

Susanna Madden